Help improve Harvey's Kennard Hill Forest for people and wildlife!
Since its permanent protection in 2015, the 1,114-acre Harvey’s Kennard Hill Forest has become an increasingly beloved property due to its rural beauty, diversity of habitats, and great views. SELT, working with the Harvey family, has established a public trail system for hiking, biking, horseback riding, cross-country skiing and similar recreational activities. Remaining work will complete the public trail system, with three key goals: Rerouting and completing a loop trail to Kennard Hill, the highest point in Epping which affords wonderful views all the way to Mt. Agamenticus in Maine Improving public access through a gravel parking area and kiosk installed off of Blake Road Protecting sensitive stream and wetland crossings and improving access for hiking and horseback riding through the installation of three bridges We need your help to raise the $19,000 to complete the remaining work! Please click here to learn more and give today!